Wisdom Tooth Removal In Goregaon

If you have a severely decayed or cracked tooth, dental trauma, or dental crowding, maybe you need a tooth extraction.If you're considering tooth extraction, Vistaa Dental Care Centre is one of the best options for you. The process of tooth extraction in Goregaon at our clinic helps you achieve optimal dental health.

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Goregaon | Tooth Extraction in Goregaon

What is Tooth Extraction?

This procedure is typically recommended when a tooth is severely damaged, infected, or causing other dental issues that cannot be resolved through other treatments.

What Are the Signs That I Might Need a Tooth Extraction?

Signs that you might need a tooth extraction include:

  • Severe tooth pain or sensitivity

  • Swelling or redness around the affected tooth

  • Persistent bad breath or a foul taste in the mouth

  • Visible damage or decay on the tooth

  • Difficulty chewing or biting down

  • Recurrent infections or abscessesh

If you experience any of these symptoms, it's essential to see your dentist for an evaluation to determine if a tooth extraction is necessary.

Is Tooth Extraction Painful?

While you may experience some discomfort during and after the procedure, tooth extraction is typically performed under local anaesthesia to numb the area and minimise pain. Your dentist will also provide post-operative instructions and may prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort during the recovery period.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Often Need to Be Removed?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often need to be removed due to various reasons, including:

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  • Impaction: Wisdom teeth may become impacted, meaning they are unable to fully emerge from the gum line due to lack of space in the mouth.
  • Malalignment: Wisdom teeth may grow at an angle or direction that can cause crowding, shifting, or damage to adjacent teeth.
  • Infection or decay: Wisdom teeth are more difficult to clean and maintain, making them more susceptible to decay, infection, and gum disease.
  • Pain or discomfort: Impacted or misaligned wisdom teeth can cause pain, swelling, and other dental issues that may necessitate removal.

Getting your wisdom tooth removal in Goregaon is easy and comfortable, with our expert dental care making sure you feel comfortable throughout the process.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Tooth Extraction?

The recovery time from a tooth extraction can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the extraction, your overall health, and how well you follow post-operative instructions. In general, most people can expect to recover within a few days to a week after the procedure. During this time, it's essential to follow your dentist's recommendations for care and avoid activities that may disrupt the healing process.

Contact Us to Learn More About Teeth Extraction:

We specialise in tooth extraction procedures and are dedicated to helping you achieve the best oral health and relief from dental issues. Contact Vistaa Dental Care today to book your appointment for tooth extraction in Goregaon.

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Goregaon | Tooth Extraction in Goregaon | Dental Clinic in Goregaon | Tooth Extraction Cost in Goregaon | Dentist in Goragaon